Teacher Professional Development

Better Conversations with Boys - A Program Design & Facilitation Skills Training

This professional development program gives educators a simple, clear framework for empowering young men to take responsibility for their own and their mates, social and emotional development, and the impact they have on those around them.

‘Better Conversations with Boys’ outlines a highly engaging approach based on honest conversations about boys real lived experience of being empathetic, being respectful and being resilient.

When we give teachers a clear guide for making open and honest conversations safe and engaging, young men enthusiastically lean into meaningful reflection on their wellbeing and behaviour enabling them to develop the essential social and emotional wellbeing toolkit they need to thrive in a rapidly changing world.

The program consists of 8 discrete professional learning modules that can be delivered to your wellbeing and pastoral staff over a format that suits your timetable, covering the following and more:

  • Unpacking the ‘Man Box’ and harnessing boys desire for mateship to drive collective honesty and supportive accountability;

  • Using the Good Blokes Co program map to guide groups into meaningful reflection;

  • Shifting from instructing to facilitating to make conversation and contemplation easy for groups of boys;

  • Real Talk. Engaging boys in honest conversations;

  • The facilitation toolbox. Using fun and creative activities to stimulate meaningful social and emotional learning and to get boys thinking differently about their behaviour and wellbeing;

  • Using disengagement as an opportunity for building trust and strengthening culture;

  • Designing your own programs that are relevant for your community, consistent with your school objectives and easy for your staff to facilitate.

  • Emotional Professionalism. EQ tools for educators to care for their own wellbeing and to lead with honesty and integrity.

This training was more valuable than all other professional learning I have done, combined!
— Dr Nicholas Clements, University of Tasmania (Historian, teacher and retreat leader)
One of the best PDs I’ve ever done
— Hale School Teacher, 2022
This should be implemented in all schools. It was of huge benefit on so many levels.
— Better Conversations with Boys participant, AISWA 2023

Keynote Staff Presentations

Good Blokes Co founder, Mike Dyson delivers an inspiring 90 minute keynote presentation, ‘Growing Good Blokes’ that helps your whole staff group to understand masculinity as a significant influence on boys wellbeing, relationships. The presentation outlines our approach to ‘collective honesty’, ‘supportive accountability, and ‘embodied wellbeing' and gives practical tools that can be immediately put to use in wellbeing, social and emotional learning and leadership programs to enthusiastically engage boys in practical explorations of resilience, empathy and respect.

Collaborative Program Design

Whether you’re reinvigorating existing programs or creating an entirely new program, we can support you to develop anything from a short series of workshops, to a school camp, a father son event, a year-long wellbeing program, rites of passage programs, pastoral care sessions or leadership programs.

We work collaboratively with schools, bringing our wealth of experience in concert with your intimate knowledge of your school community to design meaningful programs that students and parents love.

Parent Presentations

Mike Dyson, Good Blokes Co founder, delivers positive, inspiring and hopeful keynotes to parents:

  • Growing Good Blokes: Guiding your son towards resilience, empathy and respect. This talk helps parents to understand how boys wellbeing, the quality of their relationships, and their behaviour towards others is intimately linked to our cultural expectations on boys and men. It gives parents an understanding of how they can encourage a healthier alternative at home and makes it easy for parents to have meaningful conversations with their sons on all of those difficult subjects that arise throughout the teenage years.

A terrific presentation last night. Meaningful, realistic, to the point, lots of practical, workable ideas to nurture positive relationships with our young men.
— Parent, Shenton College
Brilliant! A great training opportunity to try and ‘get’ to these boys at risk and have better conversations with them.
— Willetton SHS Teacher, 2022
All teachers should be made to do this training.
— Hale School Teacher, 2022
This training takes a complex issue and makes it feel possible, accessible, even easy!
— Tenielle Bright, Head of Wellbeing, Studio School, All Saints College
One of the most outstanding presenters I’ve workshopped with. A massive collection of strategies and insights.
— Scott Hewson, Head of Year 9, Mundaring Christian College
Today was extremely informative & I got so much out of it in terms of ideas and strategies.
— Better Conversations with Boys participant, AISWA 2023
The practical components are immediately applicable.
— Better Conversations with Boys participant, AISWA 2023
It has been a pleasure to work with Mike over the past five years. His experience in the Rites of Passage space is second to none, and his enthusiasm, energy and passion is highly valued by the whole team.
Mike has been a sounding board for me, giving feedback, offering advice when I asked for it and helping to lead parts of our Rite of Passage program to an exceptionally high level.
My life has been better since Mike has come into it.
— Jarrod Kayler Thomson, Head of ‘OQD’ program, Christ Church Grammar School.